August 2009, I sustained an injury to my right foot and ankle and after several months of various doctor visits and physical therapy, they finally determined that I have a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome aka RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). RSDS is an injury disease. For more information on RSDS you can go to this website South Texas Innovative Medicine.

If left untreated the pain can spread throughout the entire body. It has already spread to my hip and is starting up the right side of my back. Dr. Rhodes at South Texas Innovative Medicine specializes in treating patients with this syndrome and has a 90% success rate. Treatments however must be done at the clinic in Corpus Christi, TX for 15 consecutive days and is extremely expensive. I needed to raise between $8,000 - $10,000 for the treatments, housing, food, airfare, and transportation while in Texas.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Last Few Days

Sorry didn't mean to leave ya'll in the dark the last few days. It's been a little crazy. Monday night after I packed all my stuff, I decided it was probably too heavy and had to repack everything. I actually went to bed somewhat early. I got up and went to Dr. Rhodes for my appointment at 7:30 AM, I actually got there early, so they started to train me on the new machine. It's rally cool and all the things it does. I was on the testing mode for a really long time, then it finally told me that a new protocol was needed. They sent me home with a new protocol. As soon as I got back to the house I hurried and hooked up since I needed to leave for the airport. Trisha came in a brought me some pancakes which were super yummy! She just sat in my room with me and we talked. I finished putting the few last items in my bags and off to the airport we went. Trisha parked and helped me in with my bags since they were so many and they were heavy. I totally wore the wrong shoes - platforms, but in my own defense I wanted to look really cute for Kelvin. I checked in and went to my gate. the guy that was waiting next to me was made because he was headed on a business trip and security confiscated in toothpaste and shaving cream. He was like did they really think unopened toiletries are really bombs? Oh yeah... when I went through security they patted me down and bomb tested my machine. Good times! I passed! I told him what had happened to me. He was really nice. The plane ride was pretty smooth. I couldn't fir my machine under the seat so I had to put it in the overhead and my laptop bag under my seat. They valeted the other carry on since it was a little plane. After I got my other bag back I went to go ride on the skyline to take me to the other terminal. I couldn't wait to just get home. Some ladies came and sat next to me, they'd been trying to get back to Phoenix for a few days now. They had been on a cruise and missed their flight back to Phoenix (the only plane that actually left on time with the bad Miami weather. They were at the airport but still waiting to deplane. They'd had all sorts of bad luck. When we finally boarded I had told them about my machine, so they didn't have issues with me having 3 bags. The pilot decided not to show up so we sat in the plane for 45 minutes with no one to fly us back home. I was sitting next to an executive at Pilot. He was very kind. It was cool that I could tell him about Dr. Rhodes because he has a 20 year old son that had back surgery a few months back and it's healing. Hopefully Dr. Rhodes can help him. He helped me get my bags all off the plane. I was trying to figure out in my head how the heck I was going to carry all 4 of my bags to meet Kelvin outside. I was walking out of the terminal heading towards baggage when I felt like someone was following me, I turned a little and saw a man in a red shirt, then on a double take realized it was Kel! I gave him such a big hug! The of course I kissed him. He helped me with my bags and we went to baggage claim to get my other suitcase. The we walked out to Big Truck which he had the shop detail and clean for me. I did however notice the Arizona pinstriping on the passenger side that wasn't there previously. I texted my mom to let her know we were on our way home. I told her not to tell the kids. When I walked through the door they were in the kitchen and didn't hear me come in, Payton was the first to see me. He ran down the hallway "Mommy!" and ran into my arms, then Hais came running around the corner. She was crying a little. She was so happy I was home. I loved to be home again. I missed my kids so much! After dinner I put them to bed. It was really nice to be able to lay in bed with Hailee and read to her. Skype just isn't the same quality time. When I was finished I hooked up to my machine. It's going to be challenging to figure out the machine schedule with the kids. I didn't even check my emails, just went to bed. it's nice to be in my own bed again. I missed my pillow!
I have to go get Hailee from school, so I'll finish yesterday a little later when I get time. I'm home safe though and I am so grateful for Trisha and Jeff and their kindness and love for me. Trisha is definitely going to be a friend for life!

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