After several months of not being sure what was my injury was, the doctors finally figured it is a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD) and this is my "Rhodes to Recovery". Throughout my journey, I'll be publishing my recovery.
August 2009, I sustained an injury to my right foot and ankle and after several months of various doctor visits and physical therapy, they finally determined that I have a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome aka RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). RSDS is an injury disease. For more information on RSDS you can go to this website South Texas Innovative Medicine.
If left untreated the pain can spread throughout the entire body. It has already spread to my hip and is starting up the right side of my back. Dr. Rhodes at South Texas Innovative Medicine specializes in treating patients with this syndrome and has a 90% success rate. Treatments however must be done at the clinic in
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Please, please make it stop!
As soon as I was finished I hurried and drove 35 mph to church. This whole city has super low speed limits! I got there as they were singing the sacrament song. Trisha and Jeff were actually asked to speak in church this morning. They gave great talks. I missed Sunday school, I was sitting in the foyer talking to a sister that has firbomyalgia. I told Dora about Dr. Rhodes... we talked a lot about how people with these pain condition - how we rely on our faith so much to get us through our worst times. Before I went into Relief Society I saw Lynette and Anthony in the hallway, so I went over and said hi. They were the couple that came over Friday night. I'm so impressed by them, just meeting them and talking with them you can tell that they are genuinely good people. She invited me to they babies memorial service tonight.
I loved how strongly I felt the spirit in Relief Society. This ward is really amazing, they joke a lot but I love how first thing - turn to your neighbors and give them hugs. And before class started so many came up to greet me and see how I was doing. Bishop's wife was sitting behind me, they invited us over for dinner tonight. The lesson was about the Holy Ghost and how we feel it in our lives. At one point I felt impressed to add to the lesson that the more we act upon those promptings we receive the easier it will be for us to receive more promptings and to know and feel them. When class was over, the sister next to me came over and asked if I had everything I needed. I told her how wonderful Trisha and Jeff have been to me and I was doing ok. Another sister had come over too and they said well there are a lot of us that do nothing all day and would love to help if needed. This ward has really gone above and beyond in helping me. I also told a few of the sisters about Kathy and how hopefully she'd be coming soon. They are so excited and willing to help her to. I'm so grateful to be a member of a church that has the faith that we do, but most importantly where the people have such big hearts and follow their promptings to help those in need. I know especially after this experience i will never again deny a prompting I feel to help someone. I loved the song we sang... I'll go where you want me to go. I love the words.
After church I came home and called Kel and Paytie. They were actually at Bass Pro Shop instead of church. Kel said I just want to spend boy time with my son since I won't see him for a week. Payton was telling me all about the little fish! He was so excited! I started my new protocol. I started watching New Moon, but then had to pause it because I was so tired. I actually fell asleep. When my machine told me I was finished I unhooked all my electrodes and rolled over and went back to sleep. At some point I need to get on a normal sleep schedule again. When I awakened, I had to hurry because we were supposed to be at the Volcansek's house for dinner. We got there and instantly I felt so comfortable. They are truly good people. I helped broil the bread and we talked for a few minutes before dinner. Bishop is in the Air Force and a fighter pilot. And she owns a vinyl graphic business. They had this amazing family tree, I'd love to get one for Dana and I think I'm going to do that while I'm still here. Oh she'd love that! There was another couple at dinner tonight who were baptized a few months ago. They were such kind people, I love how I could see that sparkle in their eyes. You know I really am so grateful for this adventure I get to be a part of, I have learned so much while I've been here, it's incredible.
We got to the church for William's memorial. Wow... the spirit was so strong. There were a lot of people who attended. First the bishop spoke then Lynette. She's amazing. In December she went on bed rest and shortly there after went on bed rest in the hospital. She was only 21 weeks. William was born on Feb 2 weighing only 10 oz. He was so tiny. The Dr's didn't give him much chance of surviving, but he live for 9 weeks. And got to touch the lives of those around him for 9 weeks. Then they showed a video with pictures of him, there wasn't a dry face. The love the Vance's had for their son was incredible. Anthony then gave a closing talk. He talked about the bond between a son and his mother. How true that is, when you can hold them and feel them. I hope she remembers that feeling forever of holding little Will in her arms against her chest. Afterwards, I gave Lynette a hug and just thanked her for allowing me to be a part of their lives. They are so strong and so faithful. They both inspire me so much.
When we came home I was able to hook up to my machine and start working on Trisha's wedding album. It's done, she just has to journal all her stories. I'm so happy I could do that for them. Kathy called and we talked for quite a while. Bill is having surgery tomorrow, please pray for him. He's the closet thing I have to a dad. I'm really grateful for him, I want to have a dad so badly, I really miss mine. I'm just glad to know that I can always turn to Bill when I need him and he will always be there for me. Kathy told me while I'm at Dr. Rhodes to really tell them all my pain issues and stop putting on my happy face. While I'm there tomorrow, I think we are going to have a sit down to see if we can manage my pain better.
As I sat down at the computer tonight, the pain in my legs got really bad. I was in tears, I fervently started to pray begging please, please make it stop. Please just make in bearable. I've always been able to handle a lot of pain and know the Lord won't give us more than we can handle, but I think I'm pretty close to my limit. Shortly after I finished praying, the pain slowly started to decrease to a level i can at least handle and doesn't have me bend over in tears. for that I'm most grateful. I almost closed out of facebook, but decided to just open a new window instead to blog. I'm so glad I did. I have a friend who's son will have passed away a year ago on the 30th. I'm not a preachy type, I have my faith but don't share it very often. He's so kind to always ask how I'm feeling, then I asked how he was doing. He's really having a hard time right now with the anniversary so close. I kept feeling prompted on what to say to him to try to help and comfort him and let him know what I believe. I felt so strongly to share with him the faith i have and how and pray that he will be able to find the same peace in his heart that I have felt after losing my family members. Finally, I felt that I needed to ask him if he'd like to learn more from the missionaries and he wanted to, I know that when we pray our prayers are answered. Maybe not the way we expected but people come into our lives when we need them the most. I hope that when he does speak with the missionaries that he will have an open heart and mind to what they will teach him about families and how we can be together forever and the after life. I believe this with my whole heart and know it to be true. I wouldn't be where I am today had it not been for my faith. It's late, i better go to bed. Another early morning tomorrow.
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