After several months of not being sure what was my injury was, the doctors finally figured it is a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD) and this is my "Rhodes to Recovery". Throughout my journey, I'll be publishing my recovery.
August 2009, I sustained an injury to my right foot and ankle and after several months of various doctor visits and physical therapy, they finally determined that I have a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome aka RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). RSDS is an injury disease. For more information on RSDS you can go to this website South Texas Innovative Medicine.
If left untreated the pain can spread throughout the entire body. It has already spread to my hip and is starting up the right side of my back. Dr. Rhodes at South Texas Innovative Medicine specializes in treating patients with this syndrome and has a 90% success rate. Treatments however must be done at the clinic in
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Sunny Day
When I got home I started to work on the baby remembrance book for Lynette and Anthony. I pretty much just took their blog and told the story with it. It turned out so good! I'm really excited for them to receive it. As I was working on the book I started to get a really bad migraine. I took some Alive but that didn't do anything for me. Today was kinda just a slow day, pretty much hung out in my room since my head hurt so badly. I did not take a nap though, I'm trying to get back on a normal sleep schedule. Trisha made french toast and eggs for dinner and they were super yummy. Then I've just been watching a movie and tv on my laptop.
Kathy texted me to let me know Bill's surgery went well. Please keep him in your prayers for a fast recovery.
After I was finished with my treatments tonight, I was able to be a part of Jeff dedicating their house to the Lord. It was neat to be able to experience that with them. I'm really grateful for them and the people that they are, they are so kind and so good natured and hearted.
Hailee called so I could read to her. She wanted me to read more but my head hurts so badly. Kel was telling me that they are so busy at work and Zeb is gone for 2 weeks. Kel has been leaving 1.5 hours early everyday so he could get Hais. Hopefully we can figure something out so he's not so stressed out the rest of the week. I hope he's excited for me to come home. I think he feels frustrated that my treatments haven't been going better. He likes immediate results and this is a process and takes time. I know I've felt frustrated, but need to just continue to be faithful and put my health in the Lords hands and whatever be his will for me.
I asked them tonight if there were any chiropractors in their ward because I know this migraine isn't leaving until my neck gets adjusted. I felt bad, they called the bishop at 10 PM and there is one in the ward, but we'll call him tomorrow. Trisha made some popcorn to snack on - oh I love popcorn and had to finally walk out of the room so I wouldn't eat anymore.
So here I am blogging now, I'm going to go to bed in a few minutes as soon as the banana bread is finished. I love fresh bread out of the oven...mmmmm - so yummy! Good night!
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