He stopped by my room and I told him I wanted to talk with him. He sat down and I asked him more about RSD and told him to tell me medically why my pain keep jumping around so much. He said that the RSD goes through the blood meaning our blood goes through our entire body and where I'm experiencing the most pain is where my blood isn't circulating very well. He told me that I really need to make sure I'm eating A LOT of protein. He said to carry walnuts or almonds in my purse and to eat some every single hour. He said that RSD can make you hypoglycemic. He asked if I ever crave sugar and it's because of the RSD. I might eat something sugary and it might help for 10 minutes but then I'll crash. It's because my body is really craving the protein not the sugar. So this is my new venture... LOTS OF PROTEIN! I questioned about when the new machines will be in, he said they can't get here until the volcano in Iceland stops because it's seized all flights in Europe. I had no idea there was even a volcano. Being here I'm so out of the loop about what's going on in the world!

On the way home I stopped and filled up Trisha's car with gas, I knew they'd never take gas money from me, so I figured that was the best way since they could give it back. Then I stopped at Whataburger to pick us up some breakfast. It was so yummy!
Then I started my new protocols, they did help a little today. I had no migraine until 3 PM. I took a nap, then asked Trisha if she could pick me up some Excedrin. I called Kathy to tell her about what Dr. Rhodes had said and to see how Bill was doing. She said his surgery went great! He didn't snap the tendon, it was actually a blood clot in the wrist and he didn't sever the nerve either it was just bruised. It was the best case scenario! Trisha made chicken tacos for dinner, they were really good. I made some cookies to take to the office tomorrow. I love cookies, I could eat them all day, but then I'd gain a ton of weight. I went and took a shower and then talked to Hais and read to her. Kel got on and talked to me too. Hailee tattled and told me how Daddy made bubbles come out of the dish washer. Kel said well there was a pre-wash thing in the dish washer so I put some dish soap in there. It wasn't a lot of soap suds I only used 2 towels to clean it up. Oh goodness! I asked if he missed me. He said yeah I'm excited for you to take back over your wifely duties. I thought me being gone would make him appreciate me more, but to him he thinks it's easy. I tried to explain that I take care of kids all day plus everything else and I'm in horrible pain. He'll never understand unfortunately. I just pray I'm better when I get back. I got to talk to Payton for a few minutes. Kel had told me that every time Payton sees he asks if I'm on the plane. I can't wait, one more week and I can see my family. I miss them. I miss their faces and the funny things they say to me. Well, better go to bed. Have a good night!
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