At the temple after we finished we met this really nice couple outside, they had a little boy a few months younger than Payton but he looked like he was 3 or 4. I love watching other couple interact and the love they share for each other. I hope one day that kelvin and I can be a couple like that where we are so filled with the spirit and have endless happiness.
Jeff then drove to the Alamo. Wow...I'd heard of the Alamo but had no clue what it was, this place was amazing! There was this tree that was brought and planted there in 1918, the tree was transplanted already being 40 years old. I wish I had had a wide angle lens camera with me to capture the beauty of this tree. It was incredible! The branches were huge and curved and bended and just made this magnificent sculpture.
Of course, Max and Ducka came on these adventures with me today. I hope Hailee loves all the photos and places they were able to go today. We were able to go inside the Alamo. Unfortunately the was a no photos policy. The architecture of the building was amazing, how men knew way back then how to build these incredible places amazes me. You could see the bullet holes in the walls and doors. Gosh I can't even describe the beauty of the Alamo.
I slept most of the way back home (3 hour drive), the pain started getting pretty intense in my leg.
Man... I miss my little ones. I'm glad Kel is having the opportunity to spend quality time with them. He took Hais to NASCAR with his parents tonight. I can't wait for her to call me tomorrow and tell me all about it. My mom said Paytie has been doing really well. I wanted to see his beautiful face tonight and get on Skype with him but didn't want to upset him before bed. So now I'm sitting here blogging, hopefully I will get a good night sleep tonight. Last night was rough. I already don't sleep well and being in a new place and missing my family. At least I got to Skype with Kel before he went to bed so I could see him. I'm going to try to edit some photos tonight and this week. I really want to get all my Heritage Makers projects finished. Good night!
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