After several months of not being sure what was my injury was, the doctors finally figured it is a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD) and this is my "Rhodes to Recovery". Throughout my journey, I'll be publishing my recovery.
August 2009, I sustained an injury to my right foot and ankle and after several months of various doctor visits and physical therapy, they finally determined that I have a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome aka RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). RSDS is an injury disease. For more information on RSDS you can go to this website South Texas Innovative Medicine.
If left untreated the pain can spread throughout the entire body. It has already spread to my hip and is starting up the right side of my back. Dr. Rhodes at South Texas Innovative Medicine specializes in treating patients with this syndrome and has a 90% success rate. Treatments however must be done at the clinic in
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wide Awake
When I came home, I decided I needed to send a few thank you notes. For a while now I've had the feeling I needed to send Tim a letter and apologize for how I just never went back to work when Hais was born. I sent him a card and a few others cards. I started getting really tired cause my second protocol is supposed to make me sleepy. I was trying so hard not to nap today, but my body disagreed and won. I slept for a good 4 hours though. I talked to my mom and things are set for the family vacation with my sister this summer. I'm so glad my kids know their cousins and that we can get together with them.
When I woke up I helped clean the house because Jeff and Trisha invited some friends over for dinner. What a nice couple they were, they recently lost a child. I can't even imagine their pain. I was really glad to meet them.
While I was in the family room talking Hailee tried calling me on skype, she was most upset I didn't answer. Mom texted me so I went in to my room to read Hais her story for the night. I'm really glad I can do that and have our special time even though I'm so far away. I just finished hooking up to my machine - it's super late here and I have a 9 AM appointment so I better get to bed.
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