August 2009, I sustained an injury to my right foot and ankle and after several months of various doctor visits and physical therapy, they finally determined that I have a rare nerve damage injury called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome aka RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). RSDS is an injury disease. For more information on RSDS you can go to this website South Texas Innovative Medicine.

If left untreated the pain can spread throughout the entire body. It has already spread to my hip and is starting up the right side of my back. Dr. Rhodes at South Texas Innovative Medicine specializes in treating patients with this syndrome and has a 90% success rate. Treatments however must be done at the clinic in Corpus Christi, TX for 15 consecutive days and is extremely expensive. I needed to raise between $8,000 - $10,000 for the treatments, housing, food, airfare, and transportation while in Texas.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cash Donations

Cash/ Credit Card Donation will also be accepted. Modern Woodmen of America will also match those donations with the other money raised dollar for dollar up to $2500.

Auction Items Needed!

I'm starting to get a few calls from people who really want to help and donate their time and services. If you or a friend or family member would like to donate an item that would be so much appreciated! Links to your own websites will be posted on this blog and I will promote you like crazy! Really any items are appreciated, even a little gift basket to sporting event tickets. I am just so grateful for all the love and support!
Please contact me to donate an item for the auction which will be held on March 6 at 7 - 9 PM. A nursery will be provided if you need to bring your children. (Exact location TBA soon!)

623-703-6767 Subject line "donation"


So I've been trying to figure out how to come up with $8,000 - $10,000 so I can receive the treatments that I need to be able to control the pain in my foot and ankle. This is my solution... I decided that I was going to have a silent auction where people could donate items and the proceeds will go towards the treatment. Modern Woodmen of America (which is an amazing company!) has graciously through one of their local camp decided to match the auction dollar for dollar up to $2500. I feel so blessed that a company would do this for me. If you would like more info about life insurance you can contact Susan Riedel at 602-978-1005, their products and services they offer are absolutely amazing.

Then on top of that, Debra Price, a friend of mine sells Gold Canyon Candles. She talked to the company and they decided that they would help me by doing a fundraiser in my name. They will give me 40% of any candle sales that I receive. So... I need your help! If you would like to take orders for candles the following are the sizes and fragrances available through the fundraiser. (Prices soon to follow)

LENDING a hand… Fundraising with Gold Canyon

Candles / Sizes Available:
26 oz. $
16 oz. $
8 oz. $

•Apple Spice
•Ginger Lime
•Grapefruit Splash
•Cinnamon Vanilla
•Clean Sheets
•Cotton Splash
•Strawberry Shortcake
•Cranberry Orange
•Sweet Pea
•Cucumber Melon
•Fresh Orange

Undertermined Injury

On August 1, 2009, we were having our concrete poured in the backyard so our children would have a place to play. We decided to go to the store to look for some backyard items. Kelvin and I were having a conversation while walking and next thing I knew Hailee and I were on the ground. We had slipped in water, I remember my big toe went to one side of my flip flop and the rest of my ankle rolled. I caught myself with my right hand. Unfortunately for Hailee she landed straight on her forehead resulting in an immediate goose egg that was huge! I picked her up and carried her to a bench. After the ordeal and we got home we decided we should go to the hospital to be checked out. My ankle was super swollen and green and I could barely walk. Hailee kept complaining her head was hurting. They x-rayed the entire right side of my body looking for any breaks. I was hurting all over. They determined I had contusions to pretty much the right side of my body.
A few days later I was sitting in my BNI meeting and was in excruciating pain. So when Kelvin got home from work I went to Urgent Care and they did more x-rays and determined I had severely sprained my ankle. They wrapped it and told me to stay off it.
A few weeks later the pain was still horrible so I went to a Podiatrist who said the reason I couldn't even spread my toes apart was because I didn't want it to hurt. But in reality I was trying the toes weren't moving. He put my in a walking cast for 2 months because they thought I had hairline fractures in my ankle. He finally sent me to get MRI's of my foot and ankle and also to physical therapy. The therapy definitely helped to strengthen the ankle, but they had me in tears almost everyday. My second day of therapy was probably the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. They were trying to have me pick marbles up with my toes. I got 6 marbles and I was sobbing. After the rest of the exercises, they had me lay on the table to ice my ankle. It hurt when they put the ice on, but the longer it sat there the pain increased and was completely unbearable. Finally my trainer came over because he saw I just had tears streaming down my face and he immediately took off the ice. He tried to do an ultrasound on it and the pain was just as bad.
Finally the podiatrist said he had no clue what was wrong so he send me to an orthopedic surgeon. They finally determined I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. All he told me was that I had a rare nerve damage injury. He sent me to a neurologist to test the nerves in my foot and leg. Since that visit the pain has now spread to my hip. A good friend of mine suffers from RSD and went to a Dr in Texas who specialized in her disability. He invented a machine that when used at a protocol they set for you can eliminate all the pain. Come to find out Complex Region Pain Syndrome is the new name for RSD. What a miracle that she has one of these machines. On days where it's unbearable I go to her house and use her machine, the thing is I need to have the ability to use this machine twice a day. The adventure now is to raise enough money to see Dr. Rhodes since our insurance changed and now won't pay for my treatments.